
Downshifting is the only option

2017-04-14 moneycowboy 8

Ever felt that you are running in a hamster wheel? You’re not alone and the world of everlasting growth and eternal consumption is not possible on a planet with limited resources. Although we are getting better at recycling, at least […]

The black market of Darknet

2017-03-17 moneycowboy 0

There is no single black market in the world, and has probably never been just one. There are many black markets, or shadow economies, that operate both independently and in cooperation. One such market, which isn’t just one market either, […]

basic income

Why basic income will not work

2017-03-13 moneycowboy 0

Although I’m basically a fan of universal basic income, I also believe that we face enormous challenges if such a system would ever be implemented. Especially if the system wouldn’t require any efforts to receive the income. We could even risk […]


Bitcoin worth more than gold

2017-03-07 moneycowboy 6

For the first time ever, the digital crypto currency Bitcoin is worth more than gold. Or, in other words, one single bitcoin has a higher value than an ounce of gold.  BBC were probably the first ones to report about […]

What is money?

2017-03-05 moneycowboy 0

The question may seem silly, but at the same time, it is not always easy to answer the question what money really is. Means of payment, some might say, while others would say that money is simply a currency. But none […]

Welcome to the Money Cowboy

2017-03-04 moneycowboy 0

A very warm welcome to the Money Cowboy, a website about money, personal economy and life in general.  In this blog you will find general information about how I view money, a number of tips on how to manage your […]